Lionel singing with country artists on TV tonight and wow – brought back memories of seeing him with the Commodores – went with David Lewis and Judy Bishop – before they were married and Judy had her friend, Twila go to the concert at the Charleston Civic Center.
Those guys were awesome with “Brick House”. “Machine Gun”, “I’m Easy and other favorites. Ray Goodman and Brown opened the show with their hit song “Must Be A Special Lady, Cause She’s Got Me Sittin’ On Top Of the World” - long version of the title.
Saw the Lionel solo tour with The Pointer Sisters opening with “I’m So Excited”, “Neutron Dance”, “Slow Hand” and other favorites.
When Lionel sang “Three Times A Lady”, The Pointers all came across the stage one at a time as he sang to them. He also had a screen with Diana Ross singing, “Endless Love.”
Went with a girlfriend along with David and Pam Chandler and the promoter was Cellar Door out of Virginia Beach, Bill Reed. Great Show!
Saw Lionel at The Ryman singing with Kenny Rogers at a CMT Crossroads – great show – sat front row on the side. Todd from North Carolina and his wife drove from Charlotte for the show them drove back to Carolina after the show. Todd was Jack Perry’s great friend.
Another show probably 2014 in Nashville as Lionel was still singing those great songs and putting on a great concert “All Night Long."
Thanks Lionel for great memories – one of the soundtracks of my life through the years and now singing with the Nashville artists! What a thrill.
#LionelRichie #Brickhouse #CellarDoor #Ryman #CMT #PointerSisters #CharlestonCivicCenter #Nashville #KennyRogers #CMTCrossroads
